Talk N (not) Toke


30 years without weed, back for a few years now, daily use around once a day....

So, I stopped smoking for no real reason (I just didnt want to get high) and around a week has passed now. I caught myself dancing in the morning, my energy is just pouring out...

That's it for me all, weed is sucking my life away, its not for me. Life is much better without ! Good luck to you all, I'm not hear to preach, just to tell my story.,..

By the way, the picture is not me. Its Bill Alexander, the original Bob Ross. Bob Ross stole everything from this poor guy but nobody really knows. I was hoping someone would catch it, but I guess not.


Bob Ross stole everything from this poor guy but nobody really knows. I was hoping someone would catch it, but I guess not.
He was his protege, and he just became more popular, so PBS decided to go with his show over Bill's. Bill seemed fine with it at first, and "passed on the torch" to Bob in the 80s. He didn't become bitter about it until the 90s. A protege becoming better than their teacher is pretty common.


He was his protege, and he just became more popular, so PBS decided to go with his show over Bill's. Bill seemed fine with it at first, and "passed on the torch" to Bob in the 80s. He didn't become bitter about it until the 90s. A protege becoming better than their teacher is pretty common.
Nice ! Very true, Bob did thank his teacher Bill in the first episode, but over time Bob did take a lot more credit for the "wet on wet" technique than he deserved. I used to watch both of them and Bill was a little crazy at times, It was very entertaining to watch. Bob was much more likeable and easy going, the complete opposite of Bill.

Fire it in !!!!
