@Nobighurry ....do the Can's still weigh liike...um....4 tons each? Years ago a good friend bought one and mounted it to the celing. Wanna guess what happened after a few months? LOL. flattened about 1/2 of his grow and he was finding peices of charcoal for years under cabinets/etc from where it exploded when it hit the ground.
I've always liked Phat (now Phresh?). I'm buddies with one of the guys who got that off the ground years ago so had a few dropped in my lap. i got tired of trashing em so started buying refill carbon and packing them myself. They are so cheap now though that it is almost a wash on cost. Fortunately, since we went legal, i don't use a filter anymore other than the one I have set up by where we smoke so the house doesn't smlle like an old roach all the time...LOL