Bubble buckets and growth


Hobby Farmer
Hi. This grow is the first i have ever run systems that worked on water (with any success). Both units share the same strength of MC at 600PPM currently or 10g per 5 gallons of water.

Growth actually just started and both have gotten to the 5th node so i could top them. When does the growth really start?

I would think in a week or 2 when more roots get into the solution. But a few have made it now so it should start really going soon?
Never have ran them, but would think it’s similar to my past hempys where once they reach the “reservoir” growth will really start to take off.

Will also be following to see what system/setup you enjoy running most.


Hobby Farmer
I am trying all of the grow styles i have not tried. I might find something that works better but its the pursuit of the how to that intrigues me.

And maybe i can help someone find the exact right thing they should use for their space...because i tried a lot of different everything.

And the end result is something i like very much....fuck i have not smoked my 2 doobs yet...how the fuck can i smoke 2 more doobs until i smoke that one.

I might sort it out later :D


Hobby Farmer
I have acquired 90% of all of these things to dial in a 4 x 4 tent....my soon to be wife was all over me about it too. She said horrible mean shit like

Don't sell that 315 CMH how do you know our new place wont have room for it.

Don't sell those extraction fans either....how do you know...

Don't sell that tent you might need it..

Crazy lady was right. I am using all of the stuff i bought...i don't have a pot left to plant a seed in and i needed 1 more light.

Come August I will be trimming my beauty personal top buds and cooking the rest...GLORIOUS..

She is a keeper.


Hobby Farmer
Too busy making it a game out of real....glad this is just for personal and i am not bringing shit to market. That would be stressful.