#Heisenbeans Genetics


Dont Need One
I was trying to stay out of it but it hurts them when they actually SEE the fire pics. They can't deny those. They have shit else to say and with a few sentences and a few pics I can make them eat shit. I don't even have to curse them out or talk shit :alien:
Like I said man anything positive will get overlooked and under the rug. Swept away with the broken record hater. He will eventually get bored. GPS has survived far worse shit than what he is saying on that thread. The comments on my channel and my youtube followers speak a whole different tone. Rollitup is just a toxic ass forum. The owner has a sock account he uses to troll the politics forum. What does that tell you.
Took 2 replies for Vato to lose his shit. Makes me smile :giggle:

Also, it doesn't cost me anything to post pics. But FU Heisensnatch. I've been accused of swinging on your nuts!! I must show the world that your nuts are too small to swing on!! :alien:


Dont Need One
And what the dude does not realize is that 99.98 of our customers dont even read that stupid shit. If you google heisenbeans this is the first that pops up.on google. All 600 plus pages and my youtube channel.
He is basically talking to no one. No one hardly hangs out on rollitup anymore besides the long standing trolls. Everyone has gone to IG . His voice over there is like the local paper in Kansas compared to the people that buy our seeds. That's a fact bro.


Heathen Basterd
Like I said man anything positive will get overlooked and under the rug. Swept away with the broken record hater. He will eventually get bored. GPS has survived far worse shit than what he is saying on that thread. The comments on my channel and my youtube followers speak a whole different tone. Rollitup is just a toxic ass forum. The owner has a sock account he uses to troll the politics forum. What does that tell you.
oxygen AND sex deprived angry People is what it says to Me , and some seedy bean slingers trying to slander competition. The market is getting saturated so People are resorting to using Trolls who are probably getting freebie seed kicks to shit on Competition. It happens in every competition driven industry eventually . Yelp was created with this exact model in mind, have anonymous Troll make un founded complaints against a Company and its usually a Yelp Employee or a Member of the Competition making the complaints.


Dont Need One
So yeah maybe he should see this. Lol anytime someone googles heisenbeans this is what they get. Not his punk ass in his tiny little echo chamber.
Why do you think gu dont even respond to that shit. And when he does it's out of boredom.
Nothing will take away all the pics, and the reports from this thread. We get 10 new members a week that come here from google searches on heisenbeans. I have the proof.

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Dont Need One
Glad to see you are a bit more on the happy side Heisen. Hopefully no more bans. Finchy was sad :alien:
The bans were necessary. I hate banning people. But if you had someone going behind your back trying to destroy everything you worked for you would have done the same. When them same ones have there own forum and they will get to see first hand how the guy on top is always a target. Everyone will blame you if you dont pick a side. Someone steals from someone and you have to ban the thief. Than you will be the bad guy cause they will have a different version of the story. It never ends. All you can do is make the best judgement and move on.


Insanely Active Member
If you’re going through flower in the blocks, be prepared to water multiple times a day and lay a few layers of trellis for support. I have to water 16 ounces, 3 times a day minimum..thought I’d be ok not using the flora flex this last round of rockwool and that shit sucked haha.

That being said, I do have quite a bit of flora flex octo heads, pumps and 6in block covers if you wanted to give them a go, running The Heisen RDWC mainly now so don’t think I’ll have a use for the stuff anymore.
This is the setup im working on now....Floraflex w/ 6 grodan blocks on a flood table. Not sure if im gonna go recirculating or just let them drain

Deleted member 60

It is what it is......the boards have always been full of haters and wannabees with keyboards with too much time on their hands....now more than ever. Your best advice to yourself is to ignore it and focus on seeds.

But not before ya laugh @ the old people. LOL. I knew I had another PP S-1 in this cycle...and sure enough...there she was....tag had fallen off in the tray. She's a real nice gal...... 50 days in....



Hobby Farmer
LOL....man i spend at least 5 hours a day gardening...what a hobby eh. And i cant imagine doing more than one bloom room. like 5 x 8 ish.

I have the same floor tile but mine have a weird brown swirl in them so they look perpetually dirty. There might be leaves and coco but i do sweep it a few times a week and wash it..

And i like to have a big floor hiding canopy :D

Thanks im watching the video

I think i want to give it a go. I will figure out a way to make it get as low to the ground as possible. I like to max out the distance they have before they hit the lights. 5 foot 6 :D

It is kind of like a flood and drain that top feeds. And it works and doesnt clog...the aquarium pump..

I am putting one in each of my F&Ds as soon as lights come on...what a great idea.

I think i am going to design something that will work. The system is genius. floraflex nutes are not too expensive either and they work the shit.

I will drain to waste them in coco. I have to stick to what i know and then i will know how i like it. I like the simplicity. The back of the garden could sure use something easier than slugging 5 gallon water bottles of mixed nutes
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Dont Need One
Super gross conditions. Look at all.the spidermites and powdery mildew. Speaking of I was actually reading the thread and some dude was saying how bad my conditions were and hes worried to grow my strains but his plants are covered in PM . He has much bigger issues to worry about lol. Cant make this shit up. Wish I only had a couple tents in a spare bedroom to worry about.
