#Heisenbeans Genetics

Goo just comes around here whenever he wants...............poops on people............and leaves. No hello....................no money for the kids........................doesn't even leave a few packs of seeds on the table. Just waltzes right in and poops on ya.

Well I'm not taking care of these kids anymore god damnit! Other seed makers still want me. They call me all the time. Tell me how hot I still am. Always touching my buds when you aint around.

LEAVE THEN! Go poo on someone else damn you! :cry::cry::cry::cry:
I'm calling Heathenraider asap! :alien::devilish::poop:


LED Recruiter
Goo just comes around here whenever he wants...............poops on people............and leaves. No hello....................no money for the kids........................doesn't even leave a few packs of seeds on the table. Just waltzes right in and poops on ya.

Well I'm not taking care of these kids anymore god damnit! Other seed makers still want me. They call me all the time. Tell me how hot I still am. Always touching my buds when you aint around.

LEAVE THEN! Go poo on someone else damn you! :cry::cry::cry::cry:
I'm calling Heathenraider asap! :alien::devilish::poop:
Now I wouldn't go that far. But dude does come in and 💩 every once in a while. I just was wondering for real? I'm about to do this 35% off + I icmag, ROLLITUP, and Chuckers promo codes Fuck,it,I'm all in


Heathen Basterd
Goo just comes around here whenever he wants...............poops on people............and leaves. No hello....................no money for the kids........................doesn't even leave a few packs of seeds on the table. Just waltzes right in and poops on ya.

Well I'm not taking care of these kids anymore god damnit! Other seed makers still want me. They call me all the time. Tell me how hot I still am. Always touching my buds when you aint around.

LEAVE THEN! Go poo on someone else damn you! :cry::cry::cry::cry:
I'm calling Heathenraider asap! :alien::devilish::poop:
I just ate 3 grams of shrooms , I won't be much help tonight , oh a 2 potent ass gummies and just opened the beers , Happy New Year Fuckers!!!!!!


I just ate 3 grams of shrooms , I won't be much help tonight , oh a 2 potent ass gummies and just opened the beers , Happy New Year Fuckers!!!!!!
Going "bear riding" again? lol
I haven't done "shrooms" since 2003. I do have spores in the frig.
Happy New Year Heathen!
and your friends up "North"
and to everyone here on Chuckers.
Good luck and Happy New Grow Year!
The "Waisted Crew"
(Me and the cat)
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Heathen Basterd
image.jpegNow for the final hour of 2019 I smoke on some Jelly Pie and run some make the Gods hear us Wardruna and say to 2020 , year of the Mouse , We are the Lions and they are the sheep , Civilization fears a Man who can't be bought with comfort and takes without license what He wants and does it in the face of all peers . Shits going to get wrecked 2020


Insanely Active Member
Happy New Years Fellow Growers! :)

Anyone no what would cause the PPM to spike when ive gone really light on the nutes? Last feeding was about 10 days ago. fed with 400PPM vegbloom and Calmag. PPM coming out was at about 600.

Then over the course of the last week the ppm has continued to rise all the way into 1000's just feeding with plain water, Gave them a good flush with h2o and got the ppms back down into the 700 range but the plants are deff not happy. Looks almost like salt buildup again.

Just wondering whats causing this. The humidity was runnning low that week 20s or 30s and i let them go a little to long in between waterings but i never expected to see the PPMS rise without adding a bunch of nutes. Very strange.


Happy New Years Fellow Growers! :)

Anyone no what would cause the PPM to spike when ive gone really light on the nutes? Last feeding was about 10 days ago. fed with 400PPM vegbloom and Calmag. PPM coming out was at about 600.

Then over the course of the last week the ppm has continued to rise all the way into 1000's just feeding with plain water, Gave them a good flush with h2o and got the ppms back down into the 700 range but the plants are deff not happy. Looks almost like salt buildup again.

Just wondering whats causing this. The humidity was runnning low that week 20s or 30s and i let them go a little to long in between waterings but i never expected to see the PPMS rise without adding a bunch of nutes. Very strange.
When you let the plants dry out, they aren't using up as much nutes(salts). Then you water them, it blasts them with higher amounts of salts all at once like that 1st piss of the day. lol
I water with a small amount of water (begins breaking the salts down)and wait 15 or 20 mins, then give them a good soaking. That will help with the salt build up.
It's about the "conductivity" of the "salts water" that creates the ppm build up.
If I remember it right. lol


Insanely Active Member
Thank you. Thought it might be do to the low humidity and the plants just not taking in as much as normal.

ive delt with salt buildup a couple times now (vegbloom and fabric pots dont mix im learning) and the leaves always look the same. Yellowing and what looks like nute burn starting on the edges and working its way inwards browning after the yellowing. Its sort of all over, not just in 1 specific area

I ran about 2 gallons thru each 1 to bring the ppms to the 700 range. On Friday im going to try to water them and then give them 10 to 15 mins to sit and then water them again. Hopefully this works.


Shinobi of seeds
1 of the GG4 x Topanga has started to throw male flowers after a few weeks of 12/12. I still have another 1 or 2 in the mix that are NOT showing any male flowers at this point.

I know Heisen was asking a few weeks ago if anyone had flowered these yet. Has anyone else had any issue with Gorilla OG?View attachment 39215View attachment 39216View attachment 39217
The glue sometimes throws out some kids that throw male parts. Pick off the ones you see it. If more pop up it may be chop time but typically these polyhybrids throw a few early male parts but none after that.

I have a female from regulars from cannarado that threw a couple early balls I plucked week 3-4 and nothing since going into week 6-7.


Always rockin’ at half mast
Everything looks fire. I’m kind of amused by the fact that a majority of his crosses parents make up about half of my mom collection, seems like we have similar taste ( except the banana, ran it for a while,hated pretty much everything about it. Lots like it though so probably me that’s weird). Great work Heisen, crosses/selfs look great.

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
1 of the GG4 x Topanga has started to throw male flowers after a few weeks of 12/12. I still have another 1 or 2 in the mix that are NOT showing any male flowers at this point.

I know Heisen was asking a few weeks ago if anyone had flowered these yet. Has anyone else had any issue with Gorilla OG?View attachment 39215View attachment 39216View attachment 39217
I also had a few Heisenbeans that threw balls, but through detailed checking and removal through week 5 ((about every five days), I was able to save the tent. This is it in mid-week 8:
