The James Gang


Insanely Active Member
We as stoners just need to remember what actual science is. I do side-by-side experiments to see what will happen in my grow all the time - none of it is science, it is all anecdotal.

Here's an example. I got freebie CBG seeds so I started doing some research to see what the fuck it did.

I found that there was a study that showed it was good for intestinal stuff, some other things, and I thought "cool".

Then I read the "study" was based on a survey of medical weed patients that had been prescribed CBG weed for specific ailments,. and then the doctors getting feedback on what the people said worked. That is all anecdotal as well.

CBG could do hundreds of things, but a few "doctors" have prescribed it for a few things - for some reason - and the patients that may have any number of other causal factors report that "yeah doc, it worked for my "_____".

There would need to be double-blind, placebo controlled trials with a large sample size to get any reasonable scientific answers. And each study would need to be for one specific condition.
Thanks, I haven't done one in a while, and she was stretchy enough it was a no-brainer.
i have a few that, need to be ,clipped for clones .


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I love epiphanies. I have several packs of beans that would be nice to have a larger sack of. No breeding, just more of the same cross.

The 5 Irie regs hit 4 weeks today and are smaller because of the cooler weather, but I think they always look tiny at a 4-week flip, and it hasn't mettered yet. So I shall flip them and I will also drop the beans for the chuck in about 4 weeks. They were "pack extras" so whatever happens happens.

What I should find out is if I have the capacity to shove some flowering plants I don't want seeded in a tent in another room, and successfully keep them mostly pollen free. So that's what these 5 are.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
One thing I have been doing that seems to work well is nothing, for the first hour or two after lights on. I'll check them as soon as they come on to see if there are "emergencies" but lifting pots at that point is sometimes misleading. Especially for the one gallons. They can get the engines rvved up and suck a pot dry once they get going.

The heavy pots from the castings sucks on the 5g's. The ones in flower are the last I haven't sifted to lighten the mix.
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Insanely Active Member
One thing I have been doing that seems to work well is nothing, for the first hour or two after lights on. I'll check them as soon as they come on to see if there are "emergencies" but lifting pots at that point is sometimes misleading. Especially for the one gallons. They can get the engines rvved up and suck a pot dry once they get going.

The heavy pots from the castings sucks on the 5g's. The ones in flower are the last I haven't sifted to lighten the mix.
ive got a couple i need to sift thru and add some inputs.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
ive got a couple i need to sift thru and add some inputs.
That's the thing about growing a lot of plants. I have a pot for every one of those tins of weed I posted a pic of that I still haven't messed with other than keeping them moist. I also have some 8g totes full of sifted and sorted stuff ready to put back together.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
No more cannabis in the other tents now, and the mini tent is empty and waiting. I pulled the CLHP and Step Child into the closet, next step in here requires getting back into clone-mode, which is probably how I'll use the mini tent. I need to get the top cut off the ChemD.
I flipped the Irie 5, and the Durb might finally be done stretching? I pinched the stem a few nodes below the top, and did get a swelling trunk there so it could have been worse.
The solo cup quit drinking so it's on the downslope. I think the LemonHP cross will do fine. No more nuts and it looks to be making up for the multiple amputations of lower limbs. FWIW I just gradually took limbs from the bottom. When I found one - both limbs at that node gone. It was probably right where the post-flip growth had started that it stopped having any. I took another node just in case.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think the ChemD might just get a new pot and see if the new root growth stimulates some limb growth. I'm either keeping that plant as a mom, or flipping it as soon as a cut takes. I think the 5g will probably give me some results so I can take multiple cuts at once instead of fucking around.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have a huge old boxwood maple out front and it spends about two weeks dumping all it's leaves before any of the oaks or hickory. Mape leaves are paper thin and decompose by spring, where the hardwood leaves might take two seasons.

I have mowed (more like vacuumed) my yard three days strait getting the bulk of it and throwing it on my garden before the hardwoods start dropping those good insullator leaves. I needed about a foot of leaves to top off the compost cage after all the vegetable matter green stuff from the garden. Since that cage is full I'm starting another one.

I also pruned back my mulberry and peach trees right by the garden. More sun now, and that wood went through a chipper and got labeled. I need wood chips for good compost and fruit wood seems perfect. I haven't been burning much lately since I learned the value of just letting stuff rot in place, but I could also do some bio-char with the fruit wood after it dries.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Of note, the new moon passed and I didn't drop beans... I think a one month hiatus is probably all I need to give stuff a chance to get done before I drop the pollen-chuckin batch. That's roughly another 4-5 weeks for them starting at 12/12 before the first pollen could appear. so the things I just flipped will be at 8-9 weeks.

I have the 10 Thunderhole that all get admission. If I can fit 25 one-gallon pots in the closet there's no telling how many I could fit in the two 3.5 x 3.5. So I'll be popping a lot of stuff alongside just because. I think I'll do regs and fems since I'll be able to cull males. Any double females I get I might hold one back in veg for the post-chuck flip.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
So I guess to clarify, I'm not going any male selections to arrive at one stud, but I may divide the males between the two tents and have an assortment in each. In general I don't like really short plants or really tall ones, so I'll probably flip-flop the males. Tall ones with short girls and vice-versa.


Insanely Active Member
So I guess to clarify, I'm not going any male selections to arrive at one stud, but I may divide the males between the two tents and have an assortment in each. In general I don't like really short plants or really tall ones, so I'll probably flip-flop the males. Tall ones with short girls and vice-versa.
it'll be good to see how the vice-versa beans grow!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Everything in flower got some craft blend, last top dress for a while. I may add castings late but this is the soil that is still too heavy/dense. I'll lean towards just doing a compost extract instead of a top dress to get my "flower" castings involved. I am wondering if lack of aeration at the roots could have been the genesis of some of my late nanners recently. They also got a dose of WCA (eggshell calcium), LAB, and Aloe FPJ. I did that because the babies looked like they needed calcium and it won't hurt anyone. After I watered everything in flower then I added some fish hydrolysate before hitting the veg closet.

The ChemD got a 3g, and the Chem91 drank the pot dry finally. One or two more times and she'll get a 1g. The Purple Heart is doing that phototropic mambo towards the light. The far left Step Child has a weird leaf (figures LOL). Part of two blades have an albino 'no-grow' side. The John Lemon in the other tent has the same...
The Irie 5 also got the Fish Hydro since they just got flipped. Getting two different smells from the Amy's so I'm pretty stoked about that. It's supposed to have several expressions to choose from.
Trich watch on the solo-cup.
This has been no hassle whatsoever. There were a few weeks that it needed a little water every day, but for all that you could run it under the bathroom sink for a sec and call it good.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
So. I still have little use for auto's - and that's just me. But this was on 12/12 after about a week. It got a mini top-dress once with some Fox Farms (quick release) "organic" top dress, and a little of whatever I was watering everything else with.
I have both the Cheesecake Smoothie and the Mind Crawler auto's in the tin. They have a great taste, but the potency ain't there for me. And they both have the same taste. What I have I am using in mixed salad joints and they are always tasty to the end. Since this one has had zero issues I'm letting it go as long as I can and see if I can get some sleepy-time meds out of it. This one smells the same as the other two.

All in all though this took no room whatsoever, Other than worrying about knocking it over it wasn't a problem, and I think I'll get between a quarter and half ounce out of it. If you were to stick one of these in all the empty-ish spots in your flower tents the main issue would be remembering where they all are. And at 12/12 you're also talking a damn window-sill plant if you have a good south facing window.

If I was not lucky enugh to be a weed snob I'd have no problem with 'em.


Insanely Active Member
So. I still have little use for auto's - and that's just me. But this was on 12/12 after about a week. It got a mini top-dress once with some Fox Farms (quick release) "organic" top dress, and a little of whatever I was watering everything else with.
View attachment 121643
I have both the Cheesecake Smoothie and the Mind Crawler auto's in the tin. They have a great taste, but the potency ain't there for me. And they both have the same taste. What I have I am using in mixed salad joints and they are always tasty to the end. Since this one has had zero issues I'm letting it go as long as I can and see if I can get some sleepy-time meds out of it. This one smells the same as the other two.

All in all though this took no room whatsoever, Other than worrying about knocking it over it wasn't a problem, and I think I'll get between a quarter and half ounce out of it. If you were to stick one of these in all the empty-ish spots in your flower tents the main issue would be remembering where they all are. And at 12/12 you're also talking a damn window-sill plant if you have a good south facing window.

If I was not lucky enugh to be a weed snob I'd have no problem with 'em.
dammm shame!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
dammm shame!
The good thing is that since auto's trigger early in a small pot you can control the plant size and the plant doesn't seem to care, it's what they do. So if you have a bunch of freebie auto beans laying around it's a good way to get a quick taste and see if it's something you want to grow big.


Insanely Active Member
So I guess to clarify, I'm not going any male selections to arrive at one stud, but I may divide the males between the two tents and have an assortment in each. In general I don't like really short plants or really tall ones, so I'll probably flip-flop the males. Tall ones with short girls and vice-versa.
i take a set of linemans plires to the stalk to make that strechie plant stay shorter, some of em tend to go 4and 1/2 feet tall and only have ten nodes.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
i take a set of linemans plires to the stalk to make that strechie plant stay shorter, some of em tend to go 4and 1/2 feet tall and only have ten nodes.
This'll be for my chuck though, and starting 12/12 from seed they won't get that many nodes. Tall is going to be a relative thing. There may be no difference at all. but I have two tents and a closet to fill if needed depending on how many crosses I want to see. I'm just going through the seedbank making a fat list now, but I may or may not whittle it down to one tent. I want to cross it to any "classic" stuff I have. I have a few random gifts like a Killamanjaro, probably another durban, NL, Oilspill, TK91, Cali-O, UK Cheese, Space Queen, both Chems, etc. But I also want to dig through and find some other fire like the CLHP, 4th Gear, some of the Hippie Crippler crosses, who knows. That's where the list gets to the second tent LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Except for the two Chems - if I get clones by then - all will be from seed. So it's going to be pretty random what I get. But all the genetics should be in there to hunt later. I'm not looking for uniformity or anything, even from the Thunderhole.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is why I have started saving the glove-hash. The good stuff stays pliable and you can roll it into a snake, and add it to the strain it came from once it cures. Today is Puna Lites test day and it is pretty nice. This ain't a smoke report though. La Machine! The little rolling rig is perfect for hashing a joint. You can half-pack the tray, line it up perfect, then top it with the rest.
Anyone trying them, I have a little stiff bristle brush that replaced the wooden pick for cleaning out the excess before putting the paper down.
Packing these full and using your fingers to feel the density/stickiness to determine how tightly to pack it before closing is one trick. Then I partially close the lid just so it completely forms the roll, and there's an obvoius crease in the weed, and the excess fluffed out past that. With it opened back up just enough to see that crease, I turn it upside down over a tray and just brush it clean. Sometimes there's a little excess on the ends past the paper but that won't matter.

So the review on the rolling machines is A+ - especially if you have old fingers. It's cheaper than packing cones even if you roll your own cones. No tips needed.