Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!


Moose cocks, or bust
Got all the plumbing parts be here Friday, ordered the vero8s last night and three 2100-240 drivers, 9 , 38v cobs@ 2.1mA in a 4x4 tent. No way I'll get 2 months veg in a 4x4. Will be packed in 4 weeks so ill prob have to heavily defoliate and just blast the light downwards.
Who came up with this 2 month veg bullshit? Has to be the noob who needs this much time to correct his deficiencys

No way I can veg 2 months, plants won’t fit in my room if I do.


Dont Need One
Who came up with this 2 month veg bullshit? Has to be the noob who needs this much time to correct his deficiencys

No way I can veg 2 months, plants won’t fit in my room if I do.
He did, works for me cause we'll have side by side tents from day 1 to compare. I would bet anything "after he goes on this ride he will fold on week five, when he looks in the mirror at the fool, he gonna say man heisen took me to school"