Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!

Yeah. Pythagorean theorem. A² + B² = C²

If the tent is a 4x4 then in inches
48² + 48² = C²
2304 + 2304 = C²
C² = 4608
C = √4608
C = 67.9 inches = 5.66 ft = 5' 8"

Given his diagonal measurement in the picture of a little more than 4ft this would make more sense given the small gaps between his plants and the corners.
Didn't notice you mentioned Pythagoras since I have you on ignore.

Why you want to take extra steps to convert from feet to inches and then back to feet from inches is beyond me, but you got the correct answer, so I'll give 1/2 credit.
Been on digikey looking at 8th gen cobs. Looks like bridgelux makes one throwing out 200 lumens per watt. My vero.7s still putting out high 160s at 1.4 mA.
I'll tell you what budder. I'm gonna build my own light to woop your simpleton ass.
I would never challenge you, but I gotta give Budders credit for rebelling against the authority, lol.

And I'm not a bk fan, but he's got his setup figured out, even though I hate to admit it, lol. But he probably doesn't have much experience with organics.

Everyone has their own system and I respect that. When we grew up we had respect for anyone growing this shit, but things have changed since legalization.

I'm not defending him for calling you out. I wouldn't have done that. But I'm a fan of all growers.

Now, can't we all just get along, lol.



Nerd Gone Vertical
Been on digikey looking at 8th gen cobs. Looks like bridgelux makes one throwing out 200 lumens per watt. My vero.7s still putting out high 160s at 1.4 mA.
I'll tell you what budder. I'm gonna build my own light to woop your simpleton ass.
What does 200 Lumens per Watt look like in terms of umol/joule?

I have a project in mind and I think I'd rather work with COBs than strips.
Doesn't matter how you arrive at the correct answer as long as you do.

Those who have trouble with this idea often get stuck on convention and find themselves unable to think outside the box.
It was a joke man. I thought stoners laughed. I sure as fuck do.

I know there's many ways to get to the correct answer, but I just noticed the extra pointless steps. Couldn't help myself. I have a BS in Mathematics, and was a tutor in college. I love Algebra, and couldn't help myself.

And I'm not your typical math nerd if that's what you're thinking, lol.


Dont Need One
I would never challenge you, but I gotta give Budders credit for rebelling against the authority, lol.

And I'm not a bk fan, but he's got his setup figured out, even though I hate to admit it, lol. But he probably doesn't have much experience with organics.

Everyone has their own system and I respect that. When we grew up we had respect for anyone growing this shit, but things have changed since legalization.

I'm not defending him for calling you out. I wouldn't have done that. But I'm a fan of all growers.

Now, can't we all just get along, lol.

View attachment 105999
Not mad at the dude, just think when he showed up talking that bullshit he should have looked around at the big picture. I know I'm not perfect and definitely not a grow God but I do know plants, rdwc is my baby. Always has been and when I see that dudes setup and the shit he talks he has a lot to learn. Those are undisputed facts. I been up all night putting shit together to make my setup work in a tent. Nothing g against tent growers but I fukin despise em. Always have and people that know me know how much I hate em. I'll get down on this dudes level playing field. That's what I love. Challenges is what's makes me who I am and what I am. I didn't start this business 10 min ago.
Not mad at the dude, just think when he showed up talking that bullshit he should have looked around at the big picture. I know I'm not perfect and definitely not a grow God but I do know plants, rdwc is my baby. Always has been and when I see that dudes setup and the shit he talks he has a lot to learn. Those are undisputed facts. I been up all night putting shit together to make my setup work in a tent. Nothing g against tent growers but I fukin despise em. Always have and people that know me know how much I hate em. I'll get down on this dudes level playing field. That's what I love. Challenges is what's makes me who I am and what I am. I didn't start this business 10 min ago.
I get you man. Totally understand. I'm still a noob. I will learn much just from just watching your grows. I've never done RDWC, but would love to if I had a little more room. When the kids move out, I'll have more grow space, ;)


Dont Need One
What does 200 Lumens per Watt look like in terms of umol/joule?

I have a project in mind and I think I'd rather work with COBs than strips.
I don't know the exact just can compare to the gen 7 vs the 8. I have never been a fan of the strips either. They all use diodes and some are just getting better than others but there is no way 2 year ago LED has come that much further. A watt of light still generates a watt of heat no matter what. Not sure the ppf/w but I'm sure I can find out the exact comparison to strips
I don't know the exact just can compare to the gen 7 vs the 8. I have never been a fan of the strips either. They all use diodes and some are just getting better than others but there is no way 2 year ago LED has come that much further. A watt of light still generates a watt of heat no matter what. Not sure the ppf/w but I'm sure I can find out the exact comparison to strips
Ya, exactly. LED is only cooler because it takes less watts to get the same ppf or whatever vs HID. Or if you put the driver outside the grow you can lower temps more too, but you know this shit. It's like the student trying to teach the teacher now. I better stand aside. I'm obviously high, lol.


Dont Need One
Ya, exactly. LED is only cooler because it takes less watts to get the same ppf or whatever vs HID. Or if you put the driver outside the grow you can lower temps more too, but you know this shit. It's like the student trying to teach the teacher now. I better stand aside. I'm obviously high, lol.
The diablo is still pulling 650 watts from the wall. It's rated @3.2 ppf a watt for a total of around 2130.
A Double ended HPS puts out 2100 using 1100 watts. As I was explaining to shitbag efficiency only matters at the power Meter. LED companies have been comparing there lights to HPS for ions because they work. Hands down that diablo is putting out the same usable light to a plant as a 1000w hps. The plants don't give a fiddlers fuck about the light bill.
So we can do the math. I'm using an extra 400 watts with the hps so that's around 0.044 cents extra per hour of use. Basically half a penny extra per day. Now multiply that by 365 days a year of usage. That is exactly 192.00 per year. That diablo is 1300 dollars. I paid 210 for my HPS double ended with bulbs. It would take me almost 6 years to recover the cost savings of buying that fucking LED , at by that time the diablo will be obsolete. Prob melted diodes , burnt drivers etc etc. So dude can piss away his money all he wants , but the proof is in the pudding.


Dont Need One
All the cobs I invested in im still trying to get my money back. 5 grand worth of LED parts 3 years ago. People think they are gonna grow a jungle with the latest LED but that ain't the case. I like the LED, I like the way pics look under em. Plants don't seem as stressed under them at certain times but I personally don't think that HPS is a dinosaur.
I'm running this entire room @ 6000 watts and killing it with overlapped lighting. I've ran cobs, 288 latest and greatest quantum boards. I never saw LED performing leaps and bounds above HPS. 50 feet of tables under 6000 watts. The diablos would have actually been 7800 watts and the difference would have been marginal without co2