The Official Heisenbeans Forum Competition


I feed water only 🧐

I'm thinking it might be because I put some soil in these that had run off from flowering plants.

It's just, only one plant is effected.

I'm sure potting up will solve any problem, they are getting big anyways.

Thank you all for insight, if anyone has more to add, go for it
It looks like at least 3 plants in that post have some of that going on but some are just in earlier stages.

F series

Insanely Active Member
It looks like it is affecting a # of plants in the 1st pic.
What kind of soil mix is it?
Looks more like a lockout than a deficiency.
If the soil was deficient in K I would think it would show in the lower fan leaves not be affecting the upper fan and lower fan leaves evenly from top to bottom.
If it developed quickly and damaged the upper and lower fans at the same time it would more likely be a lockout IMO.
If the damage was from a fan I would think the leaves would fold under and the leaves are nice and flat.
The other plants are definitely different circumstance
Salute idolized, Your girls are looking great man! Can I ask what ppm your nutes are at now, and if you are planning anything special for when you flip? And are you having any ph drift because I'm not and finding this cultivar really easy and fun to run so far.


Really Active Member
Salute idolized, Your girls are looking great man! Can I ask what ppm your nutes are at now, and if you are planning anything special for when you flip? And are you having any ph drift because I'm not and finding this cultivar really easy and fun to run so far.
Flipped them today. I make 30 gallons of veg nutes at 550 PPM and keep that filling my system until it’s empty. Usually 5-6 weeks. Then I make flower nutes at 450-500 ppm, I find if I go any further over that they stop eating.

PH is fluctuating more with this then anything else I’ve ran. I check once a day and add PH down accordingly.

I’m not doing anything different than I usually do, I see other people are trying different things and it’s biting them in the ass. K.I.S.S. Is my motto, keep it simple stupid.
Flipped them today. I make 30 gallons of veg nutes at 550 PPM and keep that filling my system until it’s empty. Usually 5-6 weeks. Then I make flower nutes at 450-500 ppm, I find if I go any further over that they stop eating.

PH is fluctuating more with this then anything else I’ve ran. I check once a day and add PH down accordingly.

I’m not doing anything different than I usually do, I see other people are trying different things and it’s biting them in the ass. K.I.S.S. Is my motto, keep it simple stupid.
I am trying to implement the KISS method more in my grows and stop trying to read my plants and trying to adjust my nute strength on the fly by judging how much water they are taking compared to how much PPM is going up or down while they are doing it. I always end with my ppm's being 1900 > come week 4 or 5 of flower. lol Thanks for the response idolized if my girls end up looking like yours I will be very happy!


Really Active Member
I wonder if that one girl on the washing machine is super happy? On Cinemax some girls were always sitting on thier washing machine. Must like laundry I guess.🤔 It would be cool to flower a plant on a washing machine, and set the spin cycle to come on every so often. See if the vibrations made em grow any different


Really Active Member
I watered this morning and everyone was super happy tonight. I still need to thin the plants, but haven’t taken the time. Grow strong my friends!View attachment 89716View attachment 89717View attachment 89718View attachment 89719View attachment 89720View attachment 89721
Beautiful. Gonna have to go back and see what ya did to get em looking like that. There's a few more growers over here that have thier grow dialed in. Thought maybe the forum guys would be kinda stuck doin the same old stuff, but seems like you guys try different things and share what works and doesn't. Much better growers than I had anticipated. Makes this contest much more interesting!