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Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
My reply was to correct false information. The politeness was me not saying treefarmer your dumb as shit,
I hate a grammar nazi in most cases, so I have to give myself a pass this time. John, you routinely post 'your' when the words you want are 'you are' or the contraction 'you're'. [I was a sub teacher, you know....]

Not even worth mentioning normally, but when you say 'your dumb as shit' you kind of shoot yourself in the foot, ya know?


Tegrity Greenthumb
That’s what pissed me off, he was basically calling me an idiot with the way he replied. I don’t care about the name calling and BS that goes on here, but I try to leave it in here and try to not let it bleed over into the growing forums.
It's been a bit but with the modern LEDs I think actually running them a bit harder increases the efficiency. It's a very small number so your pretty right about it being the same amount of heat. The heat is hardly just the light heating things up though. . Heat is a byproduct of inefficiency in electronics. There is no friction or moving parts etc so the heat you feel is the resistance converting into heat. Why vapers use resistance coil to heat the wire rapidly. The more efficient something is the more output it has with less heat generated. Locating your drivers outside the tent helps immensely. Use quality speaker wire to run into the tent. Wago that to solid wire and put the solid into your molex. Placing a fan on them or your exhaust will expand the drivers life too. Full blown mine are cool to the touch.

Sorry I hurt your feelings man I really didnt intend to.

Much Love JF


My reply was to correct false information. The politeness was me not saying treefarmer your dumb as shit, are you getting dementia since you like to use age condescendingly so much. Or stop spreading bad info. All I did was state the correct info. Why you adjust cooling to the amount of watts on your rack in the same formula is probably because your using mostly the same kind of gear in similar situations and it's easy to use a base formula instead of equating the efficiency of every piece of equipment on the rack to calculate the exact amount of air you need to move. Take a lm516c and a lm301b. The lm301b is more efficient. At 10 watts it produces more output than the lm516c at 10 watts. The difference in efficiency will correlate to the difference in heat produced. Led to cmh or hps produce the same heat per watts ? I dont need to even go there. You literally said the heat in your tent is from the light bouncing around and heating everything up? Feel your light. Now touch your tent wall. ????
Ok, so let me clarify a few things. I said that the heat is absorbed as the light bounces around and is absorbed by the materials and plant tissue. This is correct, even though you don’t seem to believe it. Watts = heat ... prove me wrong


Tegrity Greenthumb
I hate a grammar nazi in most cases, so I have to give myself a pass this time. John, you routinely post 'your' when the words you want are 'you are' or the contraction 'you're'. [I was a sub teacher, you know....]

Not even worth mentioning normally, but when you say 'your dumb as shit' you kind of shoot yourself in the foot, ya know?
Lmfao thanks whip. I often fuck that up when I'm typing things out quickly and I never proof read. Autocorrect usually takes care of stuff like that. Modern laziness rearing its ugly head.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Ok, so let me clarify a few things. I said that the heat is absorbed as the light bounces around and is absorbed by the materials and plant tissue. This is correct, even though you don’t seem to believe it. Watts = heat ... prove me wrong
Yes you did and you are correct. However it's not a very large number compared to the heat coming from the process of electrical conversion. Does electricity create heat when going through material. Yes that's why when someone gets electrocuted they may be referred to as fried. Is there a relationship between them. Very much so. Does watts=heat. Not at all. If so we could use heat to make electric directly. You see any thermal collection plants around? I see solar fields but they are using photons not heat from light to make electricity . I really wasnt trying to argue or prove anyone wrong. Just give the right info. When you replied and tried washing everything and not accepting the error like a child while at the same time making the point about a fan on the drivers not making the drivers produce less heat but moving the heat away, as if I was too dumb to understand such a elementary concept. Maybe after that I may have got more direct with the hey buddy you are wrong.


Super Active Member
Remember there’s only about 9k deaths that are covid 19 deaths. The rest had multiple other issues contributing to their death.
OK, help me out here, if there is only 9k covid deaths, whats the cause of the other 150,000 deaths? Sure they might have had pre-existing conditions but those conditions were not enough to kill them. If it wasnt for Covid they would still be alive.


Yes you did and you are correct. However it's not a very large number compared to the heat coming from the process of electrical conversion. Does electricity create heat when going through material. Yes that's why when someone gets electrocuted they may be referred to as fried. Is there a relationship between them. Very much so. Does watts=heat. Not at all. If so we could use heat to make electric directly. You see any thermal collection plants around? I see solar fields but they are using photons not heat from light to make electricity . I really wasnt trying to argue or prove anyone wrong. Just give the right info. When you replied and tried washing everything and not accepting the error like a child while at the same time making the point about a fan on the drivers not making the drivers produce less much heat but moving the heat away, as if I was too dumb to understand such a elementary concept. Maybe after that I may have got more direct with the hey buddy you are wrong.
Sorry, man, but go back and read our conversation again...I didn’t get pissy until you laughed at my reply and said you felt insulted that I was trying to explain something so basic to you. What I was trying to explain was the law of the Conservation of Energy. The article I read awhile back explained that while LEDs are more efficient, the efficiency more due to the fact that you can run less watts to get what you need for light, but that the overall heat, watt for watt, is basically the same when you factor in the entire circuit and all hardware.


Just some asshole
OK, help me out here, if there is only 9k covid deaths, whats the cause of the other 150,000 deaths? Sure they might have had pre-existing conditions but those conditions were not enough to kill them. If it wasnt for Covid they would still be alive.
View attachment 67577

There’s the number I’ve been looking for. 6% are straight covid deaths, so that’s what 9k people who died of covid. “On average there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death”. So if you’re already sick covid will finish you off.

I don’t know if those people would or wouldn’t have died, that’s too difficult to determine I think. Average of 2.6 additional conditions is a lot, people must have been fairly sick/unhealthy prior to getting the flu.

Such a bad epidemic I would think the death rate would be drastically different for 2020 than 2019 but it’s pretty much the same level of increase or less than previous years. (CDC website has national death rate chart)

Until they stop calling a person that had cancer and was obese a covid death it’s hard to determine what a real figure is. My grandpa died of pneumonia, or did he? Had cancer, diabetes and some other things wrong with him. Smoked for 50 years. So did he really die of pneumonia or was it the other issues? Guess ultimately he died of lack of heart activity.


Tegrity Greenthumb
Sorry, man, but go back and read our conversation again...I didn’t get pissy until you laughed at my reply and said you felt insulted that I was trying to explain something so basic to you. What I was trying to explain was the law of the Conservation of Energy. The article I read awhile back explained that while LEDs are more efficient, the efficiency more due to the fact that you can run less watts to get what you need for light, but that the overall heat, watt for watt, is basically the same when you factor in the entire circuit and all hardware.
That's all good and well. I still didnt get pissy lol. So a hps at 300 watts converts 80% of its input of watts into light. A led at 300 watts converts 90% of its input into light. That 10% difference in inefficiency will create a difference in heat produced by the two at the same exact wattage. I'd imagine almost right around 10% more. That's because unless your trying to produce heat, heat will be a byproduct of inefficiency in electronics. To put it simple if you built the same device with a 12v battery input. One is wired in kanthol and the other in gold copper alloy. The kanthol wired device will overheat and melt most likely because the wires do not allow the electric current to pass through and convert to the output as efficiently. If you peddle your bike, your input will be decreased proportionately to how efficient you gears bearings tires etc are. The conversion of energy has a loss and this loss is to friction from the tires, the gears etc. What does friction generate ? Heat. Even outside of electricy and the concepts remain very similar.


Tegrity Greenthumb
I ask both you and @JohnFonda : - please keep these off topic grow related questions out of this thread. I'm sure there are areas of this weed site that are appropriate if anyone is interested. R e s p e c t ... find out what it means to me.

View attachment 67694
Fuck my bad man. I'll have to start a thread if it comes to it. I thought I was ignored so I wasn't worried about having this duel of knowledge.

Deleted member 60

Exactly! I don’t agree with Sticky, politically, but he is great at gardening and I enjoy his posts.

Respect Tree. None of us truly "know" each other or how we live...or how we got where we are (or aren't...LOL) in this world.

I'm trying to ignore you fuckers but yer all like a really gory car wreck. I just gotta remember to keep lookin ahead so I don;t rear end anyone like I did @ 19 doin that very thing. Now that made a nice mess out of an already messy situation. Sorry about the new Van dad.....

But i digress. Back on topic.

I met "Karen" yesterday. Needless to say...I was not impressed. She was the lone cunt in the store...No mask on...and yes...when cornered about it...she used the standard denier line of "I hab'ds a medicul conditiom" that she said precluded her from wearing one.

I guess it was something other than being fat, stupid, and bleach blonde....but figured it was a lame enough excuse put forth.....being that she was one of those LOUD, VOCAL Roller Derby kinda bitches you could hear 3 aisles over who could in no way had a "breathing Problem".... that it only seemed fair to take the opportunity to corner her on the spot and get her attention long enough for her to notice the 5-6 other folks standing in line who were glaring at her...LOL. I told her if she was THAT medically compromised she needed to stay the fuck at home. She left in a hurry...telling us all (LOFL) "to mind your own business",, if OUR HEALTH AND SAFETY ISN'T OUR >OWN< BUSINESS.... just as another old geezer and his old bag' of bones walked in w/o masks. The wife looked at at her...and we were gone....LOL. In the background of it all as we left I heard the checker yell "THANK YOU FOR SAYING SOMETHING". I'm guessing he couldn't and keep his front line job...which is total bullshit.

I'd avoid it all like Amos does....but many rural areas like ours don't have the "order online and pick up" gig. Our Chinamart will do dry goods that way...but if you want something to eat that ain't in a box...or fresh produce...or milk/anything that needs refrigerated...nope.

some kinda fun......


That's all good and well. I still didnt get pissy lol. So a hps at 300 watts converts 80% of its input of watts into light. A led at 300 watts converts 90% of its input into light. That 10% difference in inefficiency will create a difference in heat produced by the two at the same exact wattage. I'd imagine almost right around 10% more. That's because unless your trying to produce heat, heat will be a byproduct of inefficiency in electronics. To put it simple if you built the same device with a 12v battery input. One is wired in kanthol and the other in gold copper alloy. The kanthol wired device will overheat and melt most likely because the wires do not allow the electric current to pass through and convert to the output as efficiently. If you peddle your bike, your input will be decreased proportionately to how efficient you gears bearings tires etc are. The conversion of energy has a loss and this loss is to friction from the tires, the gears etc. What does friction generate ? Heat. Even outside of electricy and the concepts remain very similar.
But where does the energy used to create the light go? It can’t just vanish, it has to go somewhere? I know some is used by the plants to grow, and then it is converted into oxygen and whatever else, but is that amount that isn’t converted to heat even noticeable?


I ask both you and @JohnFonda : - please keep these off topic grow related questions out of this thread. I'm sure there are areas of this weed site that are appropriate if anyone is interested. R e s p e c t ... find out what it means to me.

View attachment 67694
Sorry, I was honesty just looking for an explanation. Science is one area where there are hard answers and I don’t get butt hurt if someone teaches me something I don’t properly understand.
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