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Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Next question? :ROFLMAO:
There was a question?

I've got my own experience, thanks.

I spent half a year as a substitute teacher from grades 4 - 12 in various county schools while laid off in 2004. By the last two months, I was booked daily exclusively in one middle school, because the principle loved my no nonsense approach. Often I was used with existing teachers who had no control of their classroom.

My first day, I was introduced to a class of 5th graders:
"Class, this is Mr Whip, and he'll be your substitute today" and she wrote 'Mr Whip' on the chalkboard.

Ain't no way I'm going to be addressed by my first name by 11 and 12 yr olds. I said, "No, my name is Mr Eurass", and I erased Mr Whip from the board and replaced it with Eurass.

A chubby dude who clearly viewed himself as a comedian says, "I'm not sure I can pronounce that, can I just call you Mr Substitute?" I said, "In that case, you can call me sir, after you raise your hand and are given permission to speak. For now, get your stuff and swap seats to this one [ indicating the empty desk in front of the teacher's desk ].

The teacher says, " I think you've got this - carry on ".

Next question? :cool:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
There was a question?
Nope -just providing factual first hand account and associated opinion based on experience and facts - just like you.

I never had issues with the kids, but 4th-6th grade is much easier than the post-puberty grades. Screw teaching those kids! :ROFLMAO:
You are merely a distraction from their social experience.

The issues I had was with other teachers, the administration, and the parents of shitheads destined for fast-food or prison.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I was the dude that showed the clip of the bloody battle in "The Patriot" when discussing the battle of Cowpens, and that Benjamin Martin was representative of General Daniel Morgan.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Teachers always left work assignments, so no teaching on my part, and I told them so. Every new class, I'd start by asking 'who doesn't care about school, this class, and work assignments? - no penalties for telling the truth". About a third would indicate they did not care, especially the older classes.

I'd tell them, 'That's fine, I don't care. I'll give the assignment - do it / don't do it. Doodle, sleep....your choice. No problems - you can explain to your teacher why your work was not done. But what you won't do is be loud, or in any way disruptive to the ones that do care and want to do the work."

Worked like a charm. A movie was made loosely based on my success...maybe you've seen it?



Seed Aficionado
Teachers always left work assignments, so no teaching on my part, and I told them so. Every new class, I'd start by asking 'who doesn't care about school, this class, and work assignments? - no penalties for telling the truth". About a third would indicate they did not care, especially the older classes.

I'd tell them, 'That's fine, I don't care. I'll give the assignment - do it / don't do it. Doodle, sleep....your choice. No problems - you can explain to your teacher why your work was not done. But what you won't do is be loud, or in any way disruptive to the ones that do care and want to do the work."

Worked like a charm. A movie was made loosely based on my success...maybe you've seen it?

Ty for posting that I would never have seen it 😂


Hobby Farmer
Lemme guess - those "locales" happens to be in America? And those tariffs are good for some Americans - and others won't notice? Sounds like a win-win to me.
Well how the punitive tariffs work is like this....lets say alumimum tariffs from USA to CDA cost 10 billion dollars.

Canada looks at states that might swing either way...and tariffs the other things that will piss off people that might vote for Mr Trump. Until we get to 10 billion and then...well screw you fair is fair. And they are sharpening the pencil and figuring out how it hurts the most right now (Sunday lol...they are even working today).

That is how you do punitive tariffs. Its all a big fuck me NO FUCK YOU game. but the consumers lose.

Always lose.

75% of all American jobs were in retail not that long outsourced your lives away for cheap goods at Walmart (China/India/Vietnam etc). So will America all veto Walmart? Because that is the kind of thing its going to take to make them change.

I think the masses are addicted to cheap goods and dont give a shit about jobs.

Protectionism is going to be global. Everyone is shoring up buy local. Very strange times.

My prediction is the shit will REALLY hit the fan right around Christmas. Brazil and India are completely out of control and will pass the USA...maybe before the election (fuzzy math notwithstanding).

This will be nowhere near over after the US election. The third world countries are going to ratchet the numbers into the millions.

CDA 38 million people
USA 330 million people
These countries have even fewer measures in place than the USA.
Brazil 210 million
India 1,400 million people....

When that takes off...they better stop planes from going EVERYWHERE.

The world is going to go into a depression unseen since the 20s. I think i might convert half my retirement into acual gold and silver....and might have been right about the ammo.

A skid of RTE meals delivered is around 5k....retirement INVESTMENT ???? perhaps.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
75% of all American jobs were in retail not that long outsourced your lives away for cheap goods at Walmart (China/India/Vietnam etc). So will America all veto Walmart? Because that is the kind of thing its going to take to make them change.
And they were in manufacturing before that. When America helped the rest of the world defeat Germany and Japan. The "punitive
tariffs don't work when the country that produces less natural resources tries to "punish" the one that produces more.

Whereas our tariffs have a goal in mind - return production to the US - "punitive" tariffs have no goal other than retaliation. Who is in charge in this situation? Thank you.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
As far as not shopping at Walmart - I am case study number one. I went there for convenience and to save a few bucks. They mandated masks - I shopped elsewhere. Even in rural areas we have many options here.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The world is going to go into a depression unseen since the 20s.
"some" of the world will go into depression. The parts that cannot support themselves and have lived of "foreign aid" from the US - or the money made by trade imbalances with the US will fail. Or playing around with Paris Climate bullshit - and expecting the US to pick up the lions share of the funding. Ooops.

All we are about is pure capitalism - less government obstruction to innovation and ingenuity. If you can't dig capitalism - get over it. Your life is about to be hard.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Even fucking NYC is opening schools. The dumb-asses aren't opening restaurants or small businesses - which makes no sense - but even those idiots see that without school, there are a lot less full time employees. School IS daycare for a lot of America. That is also the problem with or education system and the indoctrinated sheeple you see rioting in the streets with no feasible goal in mind.


Just some asshole
Even fucking NYC is opening schools. The dumb-asses aren't opening restaurants or small businesses - which makes no sense - but even those idiots see that without school, there are a lot less full time employees. School IS daycare for a lot of America. That is also the problem with or education system and the indoctrinated sheeple you see rioting in the streets with no feasible goal in mind.
The few people I met over the weekend that live there are building lots of hatred for the city officials.

The dumbshit mayor threatened to fire all the city employees if they don’t get federal funding to fix what they let be destroyed? What kind of a fuck bag piece of shit do you have to be to put out a statement like that? Grow a set and be a leader and accept the blame yourself you dumbass.


Super Active Member
As far as not shopping at Walmart - I am case study number one. I went there for convenience and to save a few bucks. They mandated masks - I shopped elsewhere. Even in rural areas we have many options here.
Well here's a different outlook on Walmarts mask policy. I'm all in on the mask requirements (the more the better as far as I'm concerned), but if I wasn't, I don't think I would quit using Walmart especially since they are just trying to protect there employees and customers. There is no way I can match the price, availability and convenience they offer to me. I'm in a rural area also and there is no where within 50 miles in any direction that can even compare to the benefits Walmart offers the public. Now if they were intentionally disregarding someone's personal safety, by not requiring safety measures being taken, I can see me going elsewhere. As long as they have their mask policy in effect, I'm going back.
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