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Just some asshole
You do realize that there are 10 million more people in the state of CA than in all of Canada, right? You guys need to stop assuming the US can do what countries 1/10th of our size do. We have a HUGE population and a HUGE amount of illegals who don't help support our system...even though they get free healthcare from it.
Exactly. Why is health care expensive here? Cause there’s so much of it is a big reason!


Never said the military. What is a soldier who took his position solely for the purpose of pay?
You obviously need a lesson in the definition of a "soldier". A "soldier" is anyone enlisted in the military, but is more commonly used for the Army. An enlisted member of the military, who does nothing but hand out towels at the base gym for their entire career is, a soldier.


Just some asshole
Don't you love it when idiots like this guy seem to think they know so much about the military?
Replied before I could edit.
Yeah he has no clue. None. Like the guy yesterday was saying about his son. Went in to learn computer stuff. Bought a vette. He ain’t gonna be a soldier.


Tegrity Greenthumb
I pay for it in taxes...and because i am retired they went down.

Go figure...ok now im done.

I mean health care...i got a scope...if i need surgery or anything its zero to is so much more than that but...i would have had to pay if i never used it.

I know because my last wife had brain cancer...500k+ in treatment and it cost dollars. I have my house and life and a quality of life. My Son and I recovered from a calamity unscathed thanks to this glorius awesome country I was born in...CANADA. Health Care is the SHIT !!!!!

So I will never see it your way. Pretty much ever.

I think i will permantly and forever check out of HERE!

Because it brings me your level..and it is not thinking about how the world is going on. It is a myopic weird view of shit. But we are all entitled to our weird view of shit so have at it.

I have a new found lease on life. I will not bog down in the past and trying to move people in a direction i feel is right...when they so firmly entrench in what is fucked up to me.

I will stick to happy vibes and growing fire...whos fire? well shit its all fire man.

PEACE bros..keep safe
Myopic! Lol. To say the least.
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