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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I remember this . This is how out of touch he is . He actually thought all the players would enjoy eating cold ass burgers and fries . Dude was like hey , we are gonna eat at the white house ! ... Wtf? McDonald's 🤣
Have you ever met anyone on a college football team? That set-up of fast food that you bitch ab out compares to the NOTHING offered by aby other President. "Show up, take a picture, gimme a jersey with my name on it and get the fuck out" has been the attitude of every other President.

Not to mention he paid for it out of his own pocket - something else other Presidents have never done.

Keep whining, your O.M.B is showing.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I don't see the relation! People have been paying taxes forever, even for slaves, does it make it fair?
One reason we have taxes is because we have liberal leeches on society. The country could run fin with no taxes and very little government, but it would require the personal responsibility of everyone or every community taking care of their own schools, sewage, roads, etc. You would see a sharp increase in the divide between the affluent neighborhoods, and the hoods.

The actual problem is the shit they choose to spend that money on that has exactly no basis in the Constitution.

Dept. of Agriculture? From the dust-bowl days - and a government agency once created never dies.

Dept. of Education? Since it is not mentioned in the first 8 Amendments, it falls under the 10th - a responsibility of the state - or the people.

Too many gubmint agencies are only there for the redistribution of wealth - while costing more than they are worth, to include government retirement benefits.

The taxes are not the problem.


I don't see the relation! People have been paying taxes forever, even for slaves, does it make it fair?
Is it fair that people don't work, take disability money when they really don't need it, and work the welfare system? Who do you think does more harm to the system? Those people or the wealthy people who skirt some taxes while providing employment to a lot of other people in the form of construction, landscape, housekeeping, chefs, etc?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And to fix that, President Trump has just failed to replace employees in those unnecessary agencies that contribute nothing but bureaucracy. The E.P.A is a blip on the radar now instead of a hindrance to all progress.


Just some asshole
Like ive said a thousand times. Everyone in America has the same opportunity. If my ancestors bought slaves that's not my problem.
Maybe ill elaborate, I am not doing anything illegal in any way. I am just taking advantage of things and processes that are available to me. I am going to pay taxes, I am going to pay capital gains.


Just some asshole
Is it fair that people don't work, take disability money when they really don't need it, and work the welfare system? Who do you think does more harm to the system? Those people or the wealthy people who skirt some taxes while providing employment to a lot of other people in the form of construction, landscape, housekeeping, chefs, etc?
Ive been keeping 2 crews of guys busy doing remodel stuff all year.... They're glad to have the work.

Societal leeches are the problem.

I know lots of guys who left the military 100% disabled. They work, they have found other jobs that they can perform.

I know a guy who cut his fucking hand off and he still works on a logging crew falling trees.. Off, there's no hand anymore O F F gone.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Maybe ill elaborate, I am not doing anything illegal in any way. I am just taking advantage of things and processes that are available to me. I am going to pay taxes, I am going to pay capital gains.
Exactly - just because gubmint made something legal (usually for personal gains, votes, or donors) doesn't mean it is right.

Using those legal avenues to enrich yourself is not illegal - no matter how immoral it might be.

President Trump has fixed many of those loopholes and exceptions. He used the system bigly, and knew what needed fixed.


Seed Aficionado
Have you ever met anyone on a college football team? That set-up of fast food that you bitch ab out compares to the NOTHING offered by aby other President. "Show up, take a picture, gimme a jersey with my name on it and get the fuck out" has been the attitude of every other President.

Not to mention he paid for it out of his own pocket - something else other Presidents have never done.

Keep whining, your O.M.B is showing.
Wtf? Did that not happen? I was just remembering. Literally nothing to do w politics. Just trying to figure out why he chose Mac D's. That all ...?

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
Taxation is theft though. Since it proceeds without the actual consent of the person being robbed and is backed by threats of force and quite possibly death for failure to comply.

If I take ALL of your stuff without your prior agreement, I've robbed you.

If I take SOME of your stuff, but I can't carry all of it away, without your prior agreement, I've still robbed you. Of course human livestock farmers have figured out they're better off not to take everything, that way they can "reveg" their victims and get a continual crop.

Changing the meaning of a word based on who the person(s) is that's doing the exact same action is word smithing of the highest degree.

If that isn't so, and the government rapes somebody, but then they gave them a "free abortion" , would that cancel the rape or change what occurred?

Here's a question NONE of you will answer.... (looks nervously around for Whip Eurass)

If taking 100% of your money is theft, at which percent does it cease to be theft ?


Seed Aficionado
Ohh Donny u are sooo perfect ! I love u sooo much I'm gonna just justify anything u do . Political or not . I don't care if u wipe from back to front Donald. No other president has ever done that!!! 😂. And he paid for the toilet paper so fuck off! Smh u are such a cunty old fuck haf.


Just some asshole
Do you really believe everyone has the same opportunities?
I am getting ready to go work a job for a guy who was born in Detroit, no dad, black. I’m flying on HIS plane with his family. No idea what all his business are but he came from nothing. Same opportunities that you and I have...
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