Domestic Terrorism

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grows her
True. Divide and Conquer ~ but that has been the tactic for awhile now and it seems to be working..

Haha ~ just saw this on Don's FB and thought I'd share. I am not calling anyone anything, personally.


grows her
If there was gov under tyranny like agenda 21, i would want to call upon III%s BUT to happily volunteer & point its guns at unarmed citizens seems a bit too excessive and threatening to POC, especially if they are all white. Do you see the correlation?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If there was gov under tyranny like agenda 21, i would want to call upon III%s BUT to happily volunteer & point its guns at unarmed citizens seems a bit too excessive and threatening to POC, especially if they are all white. Do you see the correlation?
Who is pointing guns? Did anyone get shot? Would you loot a store with them standing out front or would you move on?

In other news, Hillary filed an emergency appeal to try and avoid the court order to testify about her deleted emails regarding arms sales to Turkey and Syria and the death of 4 Americans at Benghazi because the State Department refused to help - never did help.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
They wanted to keep it secret and blame some youtube video instead of explaining why there was both an "embassy" and a secret CIA base in a country that almost all other embassies left.


Who is pointing guns? Did anyone get shot? Would you loot a store with them standing out front or would you move on?

In other news, Hillary filed an emergency appeal to try and avoid the court order to testify about her deleted emails regarding arms sales to Turkey and Syria and the death of 4 Americans at Benghazi because the State Department refused to help - never did help.
That bitch needs locked up for Bengazi alone. Fucking "baby eater".


Uhm, he was a wrongfully murdered non-violent criminal. Definitely a role model for your children. That is her point. How many other criminals unjustly murdered of any color got the TV coverage of this if there wasn't an election in a few months?
I dont know real English term for people that are playing dumb.. WTF mentioned role model*? You are one of those black racist ***** that turnes topic about kneeling protest as disrespecting the flag.. GTFO with your spin bullshit..
The fact is your PD are bunch of white beta pu**sy males who were bullied in school, plus add some rasizm and you got your dear land of genocide, murders,slavery, execution and free for upper white class..

P.:S you probably started growing when your state went legal didn't you??
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He's a martyr to you maybe.............not to me.

To me, he was a gang banger passing bad money while he was wasted doing drugs in his car. And while having those "qualities", he decided to resist arrest.
He reaped what he sowed.
Did he deserve to die, fuck no! Was that one of the most gruesome and disgusting video? Fuck YES.


Unfortunate, unlucky and stupid...........Absofuckinglutely.
Resist arrest??
so you have watched video that no one had??
It's obvious that there will be no racial justice or pice while racist**** like you are breathing air in USA..
That will be one interesting civil / racial war to watch..

Enyoj your hateful life..
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