Man was that dude wrong...wait long enough and anything can happen.
Masks....they are for you to not spread it to others. And lets not cant get the damned things unless you make them yourselves.
I just smoke much that i smell like a greasy nasty bud....people turn their nose up and give me 12 i am socially distant and pleasantly stoned.
I just restrict my shopping activity. And i dont go to Walmart...because they are the Chinese ass kissing, product buying monsters that got things going in the Chinese direction. In the USA...they took your good paying jobs to give the masses cheap goods...then they hire staff at a level of pay so low they help them work the system to get help...WTF?
People in Canada are saying oh buy Canada etc...i believe in that..but they wont do it.. Walmart is full and last i checked all their stuff is the lowest bidder to get tender.
I stopped shopping there when they thought they could have 4 of 16 checkouts open so you would do it yourself.
I called for the manager and told him to fuck himself and put the groceries away.
I have to invent excitement...that is retirement baby.
Covid is just making my anti social, grumpy. pot smoking self more at peace with everyone fucking off and leaving me alone...but that doesnt apply to family. I am going to give it 2 weeks and then my grandkids (Who have been away from everyone for 45 days) can come over and have a few days with grandpa and the pool !
I miss that most of all really.
and I truly hate Walmart...I never was much for unions but i understand their existence. I was a manager for 25 years so it was a adversearky relationship...but if there was ever a place for a union its with that family.
They are not the evil of the rubber merchants but wow....they are a bunch of rich thieves.